123Movies is a free streaming service with a huge catalogue of movies. They display new releases prominently on the front page and let you explore thousands of categories to find rare films. In addition to offering a wide range of titles, 123Movies allows you to rate the movies you watch. There are no registration fees and you can watch movies in HD without a subscription.
This popular service has received a lot of criticism for its copyright violations. In most countries, it is illegal to display content that is not properly licensed. However, 123Movies operates from countries where copyright laws are weaker. Because of this, they’re able to offer content in a wide variety of formats.
Aside from a large collection of movies, 123Movies also offers a variety of TV shows. The website has a simple and intuitive design, making it easy to browse the titles. Additionally, new episodes of popular TV shows and miniseries are added daily. Moreover, it features different streaming options, including VOD. You can even change the server you’re using to view different films. In addition, you can watch movies on your mobile device with 123movies GO.
Another great feature of 123Movies is that you can stream movies without registration. This site offers a wide selection of movies in a variety of formats and languages. You can search by genre, country, or location to find the movies that you’re interested in. You can even search by specific words, such as the title of the film or the genre of the movie hertube.